
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Sunday, January 10, 2010

More Reflections of 2009

This was a question that was asked of the congregation at church today: "How did you respond to the challenges of 2009?" (We must have deep roots to stand strong – Luke 8:13) I kind of changed it by thinking about the past year in general and all of the things I've learned. These are my thoughts... pretty much just how they came into my head.

In different situations, I’ve responded differently. (well, duh.) What did 2009 look like for me? I learned and experienced and grew so much more than I ever imagined. The Lord just continues to prove Himself faithful over and over in my Life. I love hearing His voice. This year I became more introverted. I have been withdrawn… and also very open. I’ve felt more like an adult. I bought a car. I dealt with my parents’ divorce and the break down of my family. My relationship with my brother has strengthened and grown deeper. My vision for the future has become clearer. My relationship with the Lord is more solid. Physical and spiritual disciplines are more consistent and natural. I worry much less. This means that I am more dependent on the Lord for strength and hope. I believe that He is who He says He is, and He will do what He says He will do. I have stepped out more boldly in leadership. (wow. This has been a BIG year for me!) I realized that I LOVE the Pacific Northwest, but I don’t hate Texas. (It took a long time to come to that realization…) I traveled to Chicago, which is now my favorite place. I would love to go back there sometime. This was also the coldest weather that I had ever been in! I love to read, and I’ve been learning a LOT through the books I read and building up my library. I had the biggest financial struggle… ever; mostly because this was the most financial responsibility that I’ve ever had. But I survived with a meager $10 to my name for longer than I thought I could. And I had many people who I knew would support me in a heartbeat if I truly needed it. I just learned to rely on the Lord and live off of only what was necessary, while also not becoming too anxious with money. (It took some time & prayer, but the Lord worked that out in my heart. I’m worth more than the amount of money in my bank account.) Everything in balance- It’s okay to buy new tennis shoes when I go running about 4 times a week and my last pair lasted me over two years. Besides, when I went to the shoe store, I bought the cheapest pair they had. :) I learned a lot about cooking! I’ve experimented and followed recipes… and called my mom, grandma, and other smart women in my life for advice. I love to cook, especially when it ends up tasting good. I went from living in a house with 17 women, to living in a small duplex with 4 women – two on each side. I learned a lot about relationships and communication and conflict. I dropped my habit of people pleasing. I dealt with feelings of rejection and inadequacy. Then I recognized that the Lord works through my inadequacy to bring glory to His name and I need to stop trying to do everything in my own strength and power.

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