Gannon and Channing were both awake AND dressed by the time I got to their house at 6:30 this morning. Even after two TV shows, a good breakfast, brushing teeth/hair, we were still ready to go 40 minutes before school started. :) They wanted to play tag or go outside and run around... I don't know where all that energy came from... I was still trying to wake myself up. They weren't going for my idea of quietly reading books at ALL. (Oh well, it was worth a try.)
We ended up playing this dancing game on the wii that's very similar to DDR. I figured that would help get some of that energy out before I dropped them off at school. :)
Anyways - they were so funny at breakfast (as always!) - so I thought I'd share these pictures! They're so goofy. Notice Gannon's apple: they both asked for apples, and in my ignorance, I gave them each their own. So they ate bites small enough to just barely break through the skin all the way around... with about 70% of the apple still on the core they announced that they were "done." Now I know to cut it in half and not listen to those little voices that promise to eat it all........ I'm learning all these little tricks now, by the time I'm a mom my kids won't be able to get away with ANYTHING! hahaha :)
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