It's amazing how quickly your perspective can change after connecting with a few good friends.
How many of you know that Satan tries to tear you down with the smallest, most ridiculous lies? How many of you know that usually this works?! If we are not on our guard, he will come in -- and the Bible tells us that he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He does NOT have our best interests at heart. He doesn't even care about the condition of our hearts in the slightest.
But TRUTH, on the other hand...
I have not been forgotten - by God OR people.
I'm not a burden.
I don't need to wish for more or less or better. I can be content with where the Lord has me right now, because I trust that it is best.
I am worth it. I am worth it.
I really had a good day today... I was pretty tired this morning (come to think of it - I had a horrible night's sleep last night. I kept waking up every hour, thinking it was time to get up. I hate when that happens!), but today was a good day. I took my FIRST test as a student at BSU and I got an A! Ah, relief. :) I'm staying fairly well caught up with homework. I had a good workout at the rec center on campus. I skyped with two of my best friends who are just such a blessing to me... then one of my old roommates called me and we chatted for a while. THEN one of my GIs who worked with me last year in ATF sent me a long facebook message with this title, "'Member how we used to have weekly meetings and I would fill you in on my life?" (Funny - our weekly meetings were on Mondays!) then she proceeded to tell me about her life... I feel so honored that she still wants to include me in her life!
So... after a few solid days of feeling more disconnect than love... tonight was more refreshing than you can even know. I thank the Lord for sweet friends and subtle reminders of truth... and HIS love for me.
1 John 4:16
"And so we know and rely on the LOVE God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him."
How many of you know that Satan tries to tear you down with the smallest, most ridiculous lies? How many of you know that usually this works?! If we are not on our guard, he will come in -- and the Bible tells us that he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He does NOT have our best interests at heart. He doesn't even care about the condition of our hearts in the slightest.
But TRUTH, on the other hand...
I have not been forgotten - by God OR people.
I'm not a burden.
I don't need to wish for more or less or better. I can be content with where the Lord has me right now, because I trust that it is best.
I am worth it. I am worth it.
I really had a good day today... I was pretty tired this morning (come to think of it - I had a horrible night's sleep last night. I kept waking up every hour, thinking it was time to get up. I hate when that happens!), but today was a good day. I took my FIRST test as a student at BSU and I got an A! Ah, relief. :) I'm staying fairly well caught up with homework. I had a good workout at the rec center on campus. I skyped with two of my best friends who are just such a blessing to me... then one of my old roommates called me and we chatted for a while. THEN one of my GIs who worked with me last year in ATF sent me a long facebook message with this title, "'Member how we used to have weekly meetings and I would fill you in on my life?" (Funny - our weekly meetings were on Mondays!) then she proceeded to tell me about her life... I feel so honored that she still wants to include me in her life!
So... after a few solid days of feeling more disconnect than love... tonight was more refreshing than you can even know. I thank the Lord for sweet friends and subtle reminders of truth... and HIS love for me.
1 John 4:16
"And so we know and rely on the LOVE God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him."
:) ... Of course I want to include you in my life! <3