I am a blessed girl... skype and pandora on my laptop, a stack of books/Bible/journal, Jamie's fuzzy blanket, and a cup of coffee in my Portland Starbucks mug. Yep. This is my kind of night.
This morning I video chatted (had a video chat?) with my good friend from Texas, Meghan, and her 14 month old daughter, Emma - which was so refreshing!
Then I went to Rembrandt's (coffee shop) and I had a giftcard (double bonus!) where I spent the afternoon getting a TON of homework done. Ah, the sweet feeling of accomplishment. I do love that. I still have much to finish this weekend. But that was a good boost of motivation to get me through it.
THEN I went to the Miller's house to watch Channing and Gannon this evening so their parent's could go out. We had a delicious meal of chicken nuggets, frozen peas, and apples and watched "Imagination Movers" and "High 5" and then played outside before bedtime. I read a bedtime story and a Bible story, then Gannon read a Bible story: "God said, 'UH OH, where did all the fishies go?!'" Oh my word - that kid cracks me up. Later, his Dad told me that last night Gannon said, "Where's Kaween? I love her!" And Channing told me all about her awesome sleepover with her best friend. They're just so great.
And now... I'm at home and I have the house all to myself. So I'm livin' it up on a Saturday night - sitting at the kitchen table with the aforementioned necessities (coffee + fuzzy blanket + books + music + a friend on skype) and enjoying life. Pandora just knows my life today... thank you for making the most awesome playlists.
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