
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Goodness of Thankful Thursdays

I have grown to love this day.

There are days that I remember it's Thursday and think, "Yes! I get to write about thankfulness today!"

But there are [many] other days, as you know well, that I grumble [in my head], "Oh great. I have to write about thankfulness today." We all know those are the days we NEED to dwell on a few blessings for a little make over. Not a make over that simply covers up and hides the blemishes of a rotten attitude, but one that eliminates them completely.

I don't write about the things I'm thankful on Thursdays so that everyone can see all of the great things in my life. I don't tell you them to brag. I don't make this list to compare any of my life to yours or to appear overly optimistic. Because really, it is so much more than mere optimism. 

Secular self-help books tell you to be optimistic. The Bible tells you to be realistic: We are  a fallen, depraved people living in a broken world. 

Not very optimistic, right?

But God's Word doesn't stop there; that's not the end of the story.

There's HOPE.
We are redeemed by a Savior who desires an intimate relationship with you.
We are infinitely loved by a Father who cares about the intricate details of your life.

Though this news is out-of-this-world, it is a very REAL part of our story.

This is why I choose to dwell on the blessings and sweetness from the Lord. I am not JUST trying to be optimistic, I am being realistic in recognizing the goodness of God in this broken world and celebrating His constant provision. He is forever Faithful.

When was the last time you moved beyond optimism into a realistic understanding of the blessings He bestows and our great need for His provision in every area of our lives?

A heart so full of gratitude leaves no room for bitterness, discontentment, or hardness. My heart softens at the remembrance of His goodness in my life.

Today I am thankful for...

-- God providing financially for school this semester: I checked my BSU account last weekend and thought I owed over $1000. Apparently I was looking at the information wrong, and turns out I only owed a THIRD of that! What a relief.

-- Health: While it seems practically everyone I know has endured the flu this season, I was only sick with an awful cold for a day and a half and have been fine since. Also - I skied last night and wore a helmet for the first time. I also crashed real hard for the first time. I tumbled, rolled, and hit my head on the icy snow. My first thought: I am SO thankful that I "randomly" was able to borrow a helmet!

-- Fun: Still soaking up the last few days of Christmas break before classes begin next week. Loving the extra rest and downtime. AND the awesome trips to the mountain to ski with friends. Even though I crashed, I was doing probably my best job skiing better! That's probably WHY I crashed; I was getting pretty confident. :-) SO Fun!

-- Sweet friendships all over the country: And the technology to stay in touch easily! I am so blessed by friends everywhere. I am a rich girl with all of these relationships touched by the Lord!

-- Snow: There is STILL snow on the ground! I've lost track of how many days... but I am taking it all in because I absolutely love it. Seriously. Driving in it, playing, taking pictures. It is a White Winter Wonderland out there.

-- God's Plan: I love seeing His plan unfold, jumping into the adventure that lies ahead, and fully expecting that His intentions for me are GOOD and I can rely on His love, no matter what happens. I see confirmation that I am moving in the right direction and that is EXCITING! 

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