
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ministry vs. Ministering

As I have been working on simplifying my life to be more healthy & effective, I was reminded of the difference between being IN ministry and ministering to the people around me. I love being in ministry and seeing God work... but you don't have to be IN ministry for God to work in and through you.

For example, I am a nanny for two wonderful kids who have been blessed with godly parents. I spend almost 30 hours a week with these kids; what am I doing to reinforce biblical values in them and teach them about God's love? I have an opportunity to influence their lives! I live with a two year old boy (the most hilarious, sweet and precious two year old ever!) ... what is my role in his life? Do I help train him in the way he should go?

Also, I am a full time college student and I spend a lot of time on campus and surrounding coffee shops. Do I view that time as just something to "get through" and move on or do I view every interaction as an opportunity to share the love of Jesus and build relationships? I cross paths with hundreds of people on campus... what am I going to do with that? Being in college is like being a missionary - it's a whole different culture with so many lost people.

I'm a daughter, sister, niece, cousin, granddaughter, aunt... when was the last time I even prayed for my family? What about a phone call or email? I was placed in this family for a reason.

Ministry is not about leadership positions. It's not about being in the front or out in the open. It's not about what kind of job you have. You are not a "better" Christian if you have the title of Pastor or Minister or Bible Study Leader. God called us to KNOW Him and make Him KNOWN... and that has nothing to do with your job, it has to do with how you live your life and choose to take advantage of every opporunity and relationship. You do not only serve the Lord when you volunteer at church or lead a small group... we have the chance to serve the Lord in how we live life every single day. In the seemingly mundane, there are countless opportunities to reflect the love of God.

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