
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Monday, June 6, 2011


WB = Writer's Block

I don't generally suffer from traditional writer's block when I blog... when I hesitate to write it's either because I have so many things on my mind that I just can't decide on a topic... or because there are so many things on my mind and I know that by writing about them I will have to FACE them and sometimes that's just HARD.

I'm not really sure which category today would fall under, but I want to write, so I'll just get on that. (This may not be one of my amazing writing days... just FYI)

First of all, I took a nap today and let me just tell you that was a GREAT decision. I could not keep my eyes open all morning and I'm not quite sure if that was from allergies or exhaustion. (maybe both) I watched 4 yr old Gannon from 9:15-2 and we walked to the park this morning. (Good thing to, because if we had stayed home, it's very likely that I would have fallen asleep on their couch.) Then I came home and couldn't figure out WHAT to do. Maybe I should have taken summer classes.... I clearly do not know how to relax. I guess that's what this summer is all about. I'll try to soak it in. I guess. :) So anyways, I slept for a long time, which was absolutely wonderful, then got up for my weekly skype session with Heather and Emily. As Heather put it - "the skype gods were against us." Emily was running late and couldn't make it so Heather and I were going to video chat but my camera wasn't working and then Heather got kicked offline... yeah, it was lame.

Hmm... back to that idea of rest. Yesterday was a prime example of what happens when I don't take care of myself (aka - REST). No need to go into details, but I was grumpy and insecure and overly tired. I was reminded this past semester about the significant need to pay attention to practical needs. Sleep, food, water, exercise, peaceful time with Jesus, simple "down time" ... when those things don't happen as they should, then everything else kinda falls apart. Maybe not drastically, but slowly. I tend to be very self-aware, so maybe it's just more apparent to me when something is "off." It's so easy for me to get caught up in being busy and feeling the need to DO something constantly, etc... but I definitely need to learn to just slow down... rest... enjoy each season of life... it's OK that I'm not in school right now or working full time.

I need to trust that what God has provided is enough and I don't need to act on some kind of false notion of what success looks like.

1 comment:

  1. I've definitely been learning that last sentence a lot lately and have been praying for contentment. Sometimes it is so hard to drown out what society says is success. But God is so good!
