I'm writing this as I sit on my hotel room bed in Hays, Kansas after driving for almost 10 hours. That picture is of the sunset tonight... with the GPS system at the bottom. ;-) My mom took pictures... and the people in the car next to us took pictures, too. It was absolutely stunning. This flip phone camera hardly does it justice.
At 7:00am we're heading up to Laurel, MT to see my good friend Brianna - I just checked google maps and we have 13 hours of driving time tomorrow... that's a little discouraging. :-/ And there's a baby crying in the room next to us. [And it sounds like a hurricane outside our room - a storm coming? In Kansas? I watched The Wizard of Oz far too many times as a child...] And I'm just trying not to worry about money. Oh, Lord. Help me have a good attitude and trust you FULLY.
This has been a highly emotional weekend. I didn't cry as much as I thought I would (I tend to be very unpredictable when it comes crying...), but I just feel drained. Between the very late nights, odd eating habits, a wide range of goodbyes, packing up everything I own and cramming it into my Nissan Sentra [barely], Gala, Graduation, conversations... just so many things. My heart is full, but at the same time I almost feel like I'm just in a daze. After talking to Sam and Lisa Hasz last night I realized that I really have a lot to process from my time at Teen Mania. It will be good to journal and think and talk and pray in the next few weeks after I get settled.
I'm thankful for the Hasz's and the Lay's opening up their homes for my mom and I to stay the night... it was very special to spend time with such great friends on my last weekend in Texas. They both were just so hospitable and wonderful! Someday I hope to be like Lisa and Sarah. :)
I am so grateful for the three years that I spent in Texas - but I'm beyond excited about this next season of life. The Lord is faithful!
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