
"... the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE & PEACE." -- Romans 8:6

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Drum Roll, Please!

My former house-mate and fellow blogger, Stephanie at "Expecting the Unexpected" - a sweet, new mama of a beautiful 8 week old boy - nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award ... So Cool!!! In case you are a little lost, like I was, the word "liebster" is german for "beloved, dear, dearest, and love." How sweet! :)This is the FIRST ever blog award for Jubilee, and it came at the most convenient time, too. I log onto blogspot often, and usually start writing a paragraph or two, but only sometimes do I end up actually posting what I've written. Maybe I've been focusing on school (yay for the end of the semester!) or maybe I've been too overwhelmed with my own thoughts to even understand what I'm learning and then write it out... maybe I've been lazy, or maybe it's just your typical writer's block. Whatever it is, I know that I love writing and I'm so passionate about becoming a woman of influence (Just started reading that book by Carol Kent, Becoming a Woman of Influence -- [Click HERE to check out the book on amazon!]) AND helping other women become confident, patient, trusting, free from the bondage of fear and full of peace. For that reason, I will continue to write.

All of that being said, I'm so grateful to my friend, Stephanie, who nominated me for this award and I hope that it will be the encouragement I need to buckle down and write! :-)

So here are the rules:

  1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you
  2. Reveal your top 5 blog picks for this award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
  3. Copy and paste the award on your blog
  4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers
I'm breaking the rules and only picking 4. :) It's technically my blog, so I can bend them if needed...right?

I am nominating:
Kyle Power - My Brother - Fully Surrendered
Ria Thurston - Beautiful Mama-to-be! - Life as a Wife
Lisa Hasz - I've learned SO much from this amazing mom!!! - Adventures of Hank, JoJo & Boo
Jessica Kim - Lovely WIFE-to-be! - Returning

*Thank you all for writing!* Friends, be sure to check out this wonderful blogs!!

- Steph: I titled this blog before I realized that's how you started out your post. Great minds think alike! ;-)

On another note - Christmas break is finally here! I am so grateful for a reprieve from the craziness of my typically too full schedule. (I do that to myself far too often.) Although, when breaks like this DO come around, I have to keep myself from becoming restless and remember that it's OKAY to sleep in and watch movies and relax a little. The restlessness just ensures that I don't become lazy for TOO long. It's okay every once in a while... but it will be short-lived. In a week from now I'll be getting ready to fly to Portland for Christmas. Let me tell you, my ten day "vacation" in Portland will be anything BUT restful. That's okay, though - I don't go there to rest, that's for sure! I go there to visit family and friends and have fun downtown, at Mt. Hood, or at the beach. Hopefully I can squeeze in two out of three of those destinations on this fairly long trip home... and I get to spend a couple days in Eugene to see my sister, brother-in-law, nephews and aunt! I guess it's a good thing I have a few days to rest up before my trip. :) I decided to make a few Christmas presents this year... wasn't too impressed with my crafty-inspiration today... hopefully tomorrow will prove to be full of more creativity. :)


  1. You are so so sweet!!! Thank you for the encouragement! Your posts are beautiful and it is so unique to look back and remember all that God has done. He who promised IS faithful! Bless you!

  2. Thanks Kailene! That is so sweet. I'm trying very hard to get my blog back on track but I think I've let other things take precedence. At the end of the year I print my posts out into a I do have a deadline here. :)

    I love keeping up with you through blogging. I know I don't always comment, but I do read all you post! I hope you have a great visit home over Christmas.
